Christy Allen, L.Ac., Dipl.O.M.

Services & Rates

Health History & Initial Evaluation/Diagnosis: Phase I care

As someone with an extensive background in Oriental Medicine and Integrative Medicine, I am usually evaluating someone with substantial complexity - who has a variety of chronic problems (and perhaps acute ones as well) that have not previously been addressed satisfactorily. I do not feel that it is wise to jump into treatment before doing a thorough history and evaluation - and many clients remark that this process, which may take between 90 minutes and 2 hours, is one of the most interesting and thorough explorations of their physical, mental, emotional and spiritual health that they've ever had! It also makes for a clearer foundation for the follow-on care: which ends up saving you money, and produces better outcomes.

For me, there are no short-cuts through this terrain: We are complex beings, whether "healthy" or not, and we deserve to be carefully evaluated by our caregivers, before they make recommendations for our treatment. That said, I'm happy to offer a free 20-30 minute phone consult to discuss your needs and my clinical process.

The Initial Evaluation is the first stage of what I call "Phase I" care - including physical diagnosis, and 4 x 90-minute treatments that typically involve Acupuncture, Herbal Medicine, Manual therapies (Tuina, cupping, moxibustion, Gua Sha, etc), Nutrition & Lifestyle recommendations, and Self-Care instruction. "Phase II" is similar, but the time is reduced to 60-minute sessions or tailored to the individual's needs.

Packages are available for those who wish to economize on the costs of expert care. I'm not the cheapest provider - but one who is known for great skill, wisdom and good results! I also come well-recommended by my colleagues at the University of AZ Center for Integrative Medicine; I began working with Dr. Weil in his initial UMC program around 1997 - and this familiarity helps me integrate your OM care with that provided by your other doctors. 

I look forward to serving you in whatever way I can.            

Christy Allen, L.Ac., Dipl.O.M.